I can remember when I became a senior in high school, yes, it seems like only yesterday. It is hard to believe it has been almost 15 years since I graduated. Gosh, am I that old!?! One of the first things I did the summer before my senior year was book my photo session for my senior portraits. I could not wait to get them back and choose the one for the year book. Since starting my photography business, I have been able to work with some wonderful seniors from many different schools. Some I babysat when I was in college, others I had never met. I have to say, I love working with this age group. They take directions so well and you can see the excitement in their eyes about what the upcoming year has in store for them. Oh, if life were only as simple as when you are a senior.
The images above are of Crystal, a senior at JMA. I loved photographing her. She had the best personality and was up for anything. What a beautiful young lady. Best of luck with your senior year, Crystal. Also, check out Crystal on the basketball court, I hear she is quite the athlete!
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