and he is all MINE!! Sorry if I am tooting my own horn and I know all Mom's brag on thier kids, so I am doing the same! I took Keaton out a couple of weeks ago to get some shots of him for his 3 year session. WOW how time flies. He turned 3 in June and I am a little behind. They say photographer's children are the most photographed, but I have to disagree. Before my business grew, yes, that was very true. Now, however, I find it hard to get images of him like I did before I starting doing photography as a business. It use to be that I took a picture of him doing everything, no matter the kind of camera I was using, no matter the lens, no matter the place. It seems now, I do not just take out my point and shoot camera to just capture those fun moments, instead, I drag out my "pro" camera and lens and actually have a full blown session with him. So, my goal this year, is to go back to just shooting my child for the fun of it and not worry so much about getting that perfect image. I love to scrapbook and as my friends would tell you, I am WAY behind...I am only on Keaton's first Christmas. When we all get together to scrap, they always laugh at me due to the fact that it takes me forever to get my layout done because I am trying to find that perfect picture to create my page. With another little one on the way, I know that is going to have to change. So, a promise to myself that starting now, I will not worry about what type of camera I have in my hand and I will start taking along my point and shoot camera to all those little events just to capture the moment of my children growing up. It will be hard at first, but sometimes, we as professionals, forget it is OK to not take photography so seriously and not worry about the right lighting, etc, but to just have fun. I can tell you, I know Keaton would be thrilled not to see a HUGE lens in front of his face :-) . For all of you out there, please do not forget to just keep shooting no matter what type of camera you have, no matter the lens, no matter your surroundings. One day, you and your children will be so glad you did!
Kelly, that is the cutest picture EVER!!!! He is so precious! You should send this picture to an overall company b/c they would use it as an advertisement for sure!!! You are the best photographer EVER!!!!!!!!! =)
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