Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It is OFFICIAL...the studio is open!

YES, I am now open! I was trying to hold out until I hosted my grand opening before I actually start shooting in my new space, but I could not wait! In case you are wondering, I am having grand opening Sunday, February make plans to stop by. Many drawings will be held for free prizes and 1/2 off any session booked that day. I am so excited to show off my new place, it is amazing. You may just see your little on or even you on my walls. Be on the lookout for an e-mail later this week with all the details of the grand opening. Ok, so back to the shoot. I just could not wait any longer to start shooting, so I didn't. Last Saturday, I held my first two photo sessions in the studio and it was WONDERFUL!!! As many of you know, natural light is what I love, so I did not even set up the lights or a backdrop. I just used what light I had available and worked with that. I love the results. I am really not a big backdrop and prop fan, so having all this wonderful light is amazing. My first session was with Emmie and Brenton. I have been photographing them since Emmie was born and she just gets more precious every time I see her. Brenton is a little sport model himself. We had the best time dancing, running and singing. Next came Evie. What can I say about this little one. She melts my heart and always has. She has gorgeous blue eyes and cheeks that I just want to squeeze. The same went for her shoot, no studio lights, just the natural light from windows. After my sessions were over, I felt such a sense of joy being able to share my new space with my wonderful clients. Thanks to all of you who helped make this dream possible. I hope you all will be able to stop by next weekend and take a peek at my new studio.


Mandy said...

Congrats on your new studio. Can't wait to see it. I have admired the outside for a long time now. Thanks for sharing.
