Thursday, October 16, 2008

Where has my baby gone?

It seems the other day while I was looking through my lens at Keaton, it hit me that he is growing up fast! It seems like only a couple of months ago I was still changing his diaper. He has become such a "boy" in the past year. He makes me laugh all the time and I love our daily conversations. Being a parent is the most challenging job in the world, but it is also the most rewarding. To watch a child go from being so dependent on you as a baby to being so independent, even at 4, is amazing. It is a job I would not trade for anything in the world. So here are some four-year shots of Keaton, who will ALWAYS be my baby. By the way, if you know me, I'm sure you have guessed that of all the images above, the last one is my favorite. I love those moody shots!