Well, Easter this year was quite interesting for our family. As you can see from the photos above, our two boys were looking very handsome! After church, I FORCED them to sit down for a second, and a second is really longer than what they gave me, to snap a couple of shots. Keaton loves to squeeze Rhen just when he is looking at the camera and causes him to scream. For that reason, we have Keaton looking at the camera and Rhen looking off to the other side. I thought it was quite funny. I did, however, manage to get a few of them both looking. As many of you know, my husband, Michael, was in a wreck this past Monday and on Friday had surgery not related to the wreck. He was unable to go to church with us, but did manage to see what the boys received from the Easter Bunny. I have to say, trying to get myself, and two little boys ready and out the door for church was quite comical. I guess you never realize how much have two sets of hands really helps you out until you only have one set. We did manage to make it though and had a wonderful Easter Service at church. Our family has so much to be so thankful for this Easter and thank you to all the prayers and calls over the past week concerning Michael. It is such a blessing to have such wonderful friends and customers. I hope you all had a very blessed Easter as well.
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