#8 with 32% of the votes! Congrats to Lindsey and Matt Cagle, I will be contacting you shortly to let you know what you have won. If you all remember from a posting a while back, Lindsey and Matt were the precious couple in the big RED bathtub that I had the honor to photograph.
I would just like to say thank you so much to everyone who went and voted. I had such a huge response and many people e-mailed as well. I loved going to the blog daily and seeing what image was winning. I hope everyone enjoyed watching as much as I did.
I will be posting a NEW contest very soon, and I have to say, it is going to be a good one. I little hint: Get your cameras READY!!! Keep checking daily to make sure you enter the contest.
So, once again, BIG congrats to Lindsey and Matt!
I am happy for this couple; this picture truly captures their love for each other! I can’t wait to see what’s next….this was such a great idea!
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