Well, what a fun time we all had last night! I cannot believe it is already Halloween, the old saying is really true, time goes by faster the older you get. Last night, all the kids got together to go trick or treating. We loaded, I say we, as if I did it myself...I should say, the hubbies loaded up the trailer with hay and we all went for a THRILL of a hay-ride around Greystone. There was everything from a scooby-doo to a snow white. After the candy grabbing was done, Jody Latimer was kind enough to have everyone back over at her home for chili and hot dogs. By the end of the night, the kids had eaten enough candy to keep them awake for days! But, hey, that is the fun of Halloween-right. I may not have had the candy, but it was pointed out to me that I did have two bowls of Jason's awesome chili-but I am eating for two and will lavish in that for a couple more days! The images above are just snap shots of all the cuties from last night. Wasn't my little pirate just the best! I was just a Mom last night and not a photographer...enjoy!!
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